On September 17th, Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute participated again in the annual exhibition of livestock breeding in Sliven – the largest event in livestock breeding organized by the Executive Agency of Breeding and Reproduction in Livestock (EABRL) and the Ministry of Agriculture, with the support of State Fund Agriculture
The official opening ceremony was attended by the interim vice-minister of agriculture Krum Nedelkov, and by Georgi Yordanov, executive director of EABRL.
Over 150 livestock breeders presented more than 550 elite animals – their best achievements in the recent years, the result of years of breeding effort. Presented were over 400 animals of 38 sheep breeds
DAI participated with 12 elite sheep from 3 categories of the north-eastern fine-fleeced breed: 3 male and 3 female lambs, 3 rams and 3 ewes.
At the official award ceremony of the most classy animal breeds, besides being handed over the cup for regular attendance of the event, DAI was also given a certificate for the most elite sheep of the north-eastern fine-fleeced breed; the only herd of this breed is being maintained at DAI and amounts to 1300 animals. This is a rare endangered breed and is annually funded by the State Fund Agriculture according to Measure 10 Agri-environment-climate of the Rural Development Program 2014 – 2020