The breeding of cereals and grain crops has always been a priority of the research activities at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute it started with the establishment of the institute in 1951, while dry bean breeding has been carried out as early as 1941, when the Agricultural research and seed production station was established in Dobrich, which was the predecessor of the Institute. Since then, 141 varieties of cereal and grain crops have been developed, including 103 varieties of common winter wheat, 8 varieties of durum wheat, 17 triticale varieties, 13 barley varieties, as well as 50 cultivars of leguminous crops, including 26 dry bean varieties, 13 lentil varieties, 2 chick pea varieties, 6 pea varieties and 1 varieties of each vetch, grass pea and bitter vetch.
The major goal of the department is to carry out researches aimed at developing and introducing in production of common winter wheat, durum wheat, triticale, barley, bean, lentil, winter forage pea and chick pea cultivars, which are suitable for growing under the soil and climatic specificity of Bulgaria, but primarily – under the conditions of its north-eastern part.
To realize the above goal, research work is implemented in the following directions:
- Conservation, management and enrichment of the gene pool of cereals and leguminous crops;
- Developing of genetic variability. Evaluating the combining ability of the initial parental forms;
- Biological and economic characterization of new breeding lines;
- Evaluating the resistance of the developed materials to abiotic stress under field and controlled conditions.
- Determining the risk of widespread economically important diseases and differentiating the breeding materials against natural and artificial background;
- Theoretical studies on the genetics and breeding of quality grain produce;
- Use of bio technology approaches for acceleration of the breeding process;
- Maintenance of the authenticity of the developed varieties and production of certified planting material.
The breeding programs of the respective crops are target the following:
- Breeding of common winter wheat for productivity: The main task is developing of high-yielding varieties that meet the modern requirements of the agricultural producers. The cultivars developed are characterized by high drought tolerance, cold and winter resistance, and resistance to the main economically important diseases: powdery mildew, brown and yellow rust, leaf spotting complex;
- Breeding of common winter wheat for high quality varieties: This involves developing of varieties, which are suitable exclusively for bread and pastry. The major characteristics of the developed varieties is their cold resistance combined with drought tolerance and high resistance to powdery mildew, brown and yellow rust and fusarium head blight;
- Breeding of durum wheat for cold resistance and quality: The aim of this breeding program is developing of cultivars suitable for the winter conditions typical of north-eastern Bulgaria; the varieties developed should also include high quality for production of pasta;
- Breeding of triticale for production of grain: The research work is directed towards developing of cultivars of winter hexaploid triticale for grain production, which possess high productivity, high protein and lysine content in grain and are suitable for both fodder and human food. The varieties and breeding materials developed are characterized by high or sufficient cold resistance, excellent drought resistance and very high resistance to the pathogens of brown and yellow rust. Their peculiarity is the high degree of resistance to lodging and grain shedding;
- Breeding of triticale for production of green mass and silage: The main task is developing winter xehaploid triticale varieties with high productivity of green or silage mass, and which are suitable for fodder production or industrial purposes. The lines and varieties developed are characterized by very high resistance to lodging, high cold resistance, comparatively late heading, short awns, very high resistance to the types of rust and to spotting leaf complex;
- Breeding of barley for production of malt : This direction of research work is related to developing of two-rowed barley varieties suitable for the brewing industry, which are characterized by high productivity and good quality;
- Breeding of barley for production of forage: The main task of research work relates to developing of high-yielding poly-rowed barley types possessing high-quality and protein content suitable for incorporation in different forages;
- Breeding of common dry bean: The main purpose of the program is developing of varieties with enhanced productivity and grain quality, resistant to abiotic and biotic stress and suitable for direct harvesting;
- Breeding of cold-resistant leguminous crops – lentil, spring fodder pea and chick pea: The developing of varieties with enhanced productivity, grain quality and resistance to abiotic and biotic stress is the main purpose of the breeding program.
The breeding work of the department is assisted by the laboratories associated to it:
- Laboratory of bio technology: The main activity of this laboratory is related to the developing of dihaploid lines with the aim to shorten the breeding process in common winter wheat, triticale and durum wheat.
- Laboratory of bio chemistry: This direction of research work includes determining the content and allelic composition of storage endosperm proteins in the different cereal crops;
- Laboratory of plant pathology of cereal and leguminous crops: The research work is focused on determining the virulent and aggressive variability in the populations of phyto pathogens, which are of key importance for Bulgaria, as well as evaluation of the resistance of the initial and breeding material under field and controlled conditions;
- Laboratory of physiology: The main activity of this laboratory is evaluation the breeding materials of wheat types, triticale and barley with regard to their cold and drought resistance.
- Laboratory of grain and bread technological properties: The research work is directed towards analysis of the breeding materials of common winter wheat and triticale in relation to their bread making properties and parameters.
Prof. Dr. Ivan Kiryakov
Head of Breeding of Cereals and Grain Leguminous Crops Department
Research interests:
- Genetic variability in the populations of bacterial and fungal pathogens;
- Plant immunity to diseases;
- Integrated management of pests.
- Kiryakov, I., and D.Genchev, 2000. Resistance of bean cultivars and lines to Xanthomonas campestris phaseoli (Smith) Dye. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 6; 525-528.
- Kiryakov, I., Characterization of Pseudomonas syringae pv.phaseolicola races in Northeastern Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 7;315-320.
- Genchev, D., and Kiryakov, 2002. Inheritance of resistance to white mold disease (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary) in breeding line A 195 of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 8: 181-187.
- Kiryakov, I., Virulence diversity of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in the Rhodope Mountain, Bulgaria. Rasteniev’dni Nauki, 46:330-334.
- Sofkova S, I. Poryazov, and Kiryakov, 2010. Breeding green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for complex disease resistance. Genetics and Breeding 38 (3):77-88.
- Genchev, D., P. Christova, Kiryakov, M. Beleva, and R. Batchvarova, 2010. Breeding of common bean for resistance to the physiological races of anthracnose identified in Bulgaria. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 24 (2) 1814-1823.
- Kiryakov, I., 2018. Overview on pathogenic diversity in the bacterial diseases populations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science, 55 (1): 3-1.
- Koleva, M., and Kiryakov (2020). Pathotype diversity of Uromyces appendiculatus in Northeastern Bulgaria. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 21(4):789-795.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galina Mihova
Research interests:
- Genetics and breeding of grain and cereal crops;
- Abiotic and biotic stress;
- Physiology.
- Dimova D., G. Mihova, D. Vulcheva, D. Vulchev, I. Ivanova, 2010. Using Polymorphism of Grain Storage Proteins for Identification of Feed Barley Varieties. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 16, № 4, 436-442.
- Mihova G., Yordanova D., Valcheva D., Doneva S., Ivanova I., 2012. Polymorphism of storage proteins in malting barley lines developed at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute – General Toshevo. Agricultural Science and Technology, vol. 4, № 1, 3-6.
- Mihova, G., 2013. Winter barley breeding at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute – General Toshevo. Scientific works, Institute of Agriculture, Karnobat, Vol. 2, № 1, 23-38.
- Baychev V., G. Mihova, 2014. Variation in the production potential of barley and triticale under contrasting conditions of the environment. Scientific works, Institute of Agriculture, Karnobat, 3, № 1, 107-120.
- Mihova G., D. Valcheva, D. Vulchev, M. Dimitrova-Doneva, D. Dimova, 2015. Response of Bulgarian winter barley varieties to different types of stress. 2nd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food, 07-09 October 2015, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 977-984.
- Dimitrova-Doneva M., D. Valcheva, Mihova, B. Dyulgerova, 2016. Genotype-environment interaction and stability analysis for grain yield of winter barley in the conditions of North-East and South Bulgaria. Agricultural Science and Technology, vol. 8, № 1, 19-23.
- Mihova G., V. Baychev, P. Chamurliyski, H. Stoyanov, 2017. Yield Formation in Winter Cereals under Contrasting Conditions of the Environment. 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress, 16-18 May 2017, Tekirdag, Turkey, 351-358.
- Mihova G., V. Baychev, T. Aleksandrov, T. Petrova, Y. Stanoeva, V. Ivanova, 2018. Breeding of cereal crops at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, General Toshevo, Bulgaria. Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 72, № 2, 124-131.
- Mihova G., T. Petrova, V. Ivanova, Y. Stanoeva, 2018. New accessions in the common winter wheat working collection of Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, Bulgaria. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, Edirne, Turkey, 270-277.
- Mihova G., 2020. Peculiarities in the Structure of Yield in Common Wheat Accessions from Different Ecological and Geographic Origin. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, Vol. 4 (4), 436-446.
Chief Assistant Dr. Todor Alexandrov
Research interests:
- Cold resistance of durum and common wheat;
- Type of development in durum and common wheat;
- Drought resistance in durum and common wheat;
- Adaptive breeding of different types of wheat;
- Genetic variability in crosses between different wheat types and their use in breeding.
- Aleksandrov T. and T. Petrova (2019). Adaptive breeding of durum wheat Triticum durum Desf. Developing of breeding material with increased cold resistance evaluated under different conditions. Field Crops Studies (2019) XII (2) 64-72. ISSN:2535-1133.
- Aleksandrov T., T. Petrova and E. Penchev (2019). Promising breeding lines of durum wheat (Triticim durum Desf.) developed at DAI – General Toshevo. Cold and winter resistance. Field Crops Studies (2019) XII (2) 95-112. ISSN:2535-1133.
ASSOC. PROF. DR. Hristo Stoyanov
Research interests:
- Genetics and breeding of grain and cereal crops (triticale and wheat);
- Abiotic stress in cultural plants and its effect on yield;
- Genotype x environment interaction and methods for evaluation of stability and adaptability;
- Bio technology methods in breeding – anther cultivation of triticale;
- Integrated management of pests in cereals.
Stoyanov, H., V. Baychev, G. Mihova, 2017. Analysis and assessment of yield ranking models in Triticale (xTriticosecale Wittm.) in contrasting environmental conditions. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, The Special Issue of 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress, May 16-18, 2017, 83-90,
Стоянов, Х., В. Байчев, 2018. Тенденции на добива и неговите компоненти при български сортове тритикале, отгледани при контрастни условия на средата. Растениевъдни науки, 55(3): 16-26.
Стоянов, Х., В. Байчев, 2018. Съчетаване на стопански важни показатели при F3 потомства на кръстоски тритикале. Растениевъдни науки, 55(3): 27-36
Stoyanov, H., V. Baychev, I. Belchev, 2018. Productivity and characteristics of triticale (xTriticosecale Wittm.) dihaploid lines. Rastenievadni nauki, 55(4): 3-13
Стоянов, Х., В. Байчев, И. Белчев, 2019. Изменения в андрогенната реакция при тритикале (xTriticosecale Wittm.) в резултат на включване на извлек от батати в индукционната хранителна среда. Растениевъдни науки, 56(5), 92-98
Стоянов, Х., В. Байчев, Т. Петрова, 2019. Влияние на засушаването върху някои показатели на класа при тритикале (xTriticosecale Wittm.). Растениевъдни науки, 56(6), 3-11
Стоянов, Х., 2019. Корелации между показателите на класа при българки сортове тритикале в контрастни условия на средата. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 22(6), 53-73
Стоянов, Х., 2020. Влияние на условията на средата и гъстотата на посева върху стопански важни показатели при български сортове тритикале (xTriticosecaleWittm.). Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 23(3), 115-141,
Stoyanov, H., 2020. Analysis on test weight of Bulgarian triticale cultivars. Rastenievadni nauki, 57(6), 3-16.
Stoyanov, H., 2020. Response of Bulgarian triticale cultivars to unfavorable environments. Rastenievadni nauki, 57(6), 17-29.
Assistant Dr. Sonya Doneva
Research interests:
- Use of bio chemical markers (storage proteins) in wheat and other grain cereals for identification of genotypes with good quality parameters of grain;
- Technology parameters of the protein complex in wheat grain in relation to breeding of varieties with high level of baking properties;
- Effect of the growing practices on the technological parameters of cereals.
- Doneva S., Daskalova N., Spetsov P., Transfer of novel storage proteins from a synthetic hexaploid line into bread wheat. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 105 (2), 113-122.
- Daskalova N., Doneva S., Stanoeva Y., Belchev I., Spetsov P., 2019. Progress in Tetraploid Breeding Wheat through the Use of Sinthetic Hexaploid Amphiploids. Cereal Research. Communications, 47 (1), 157-169.
- Doneva S., Todorov I., Nankova M., Krustev S., Distribution of the Chromosomal Translocation 1BL/1RS and the Allelic Combinations 7+9/j and 7+8/j in a Set of Dihaploid Lines of Common Wheat. Acta Scientific Agriculture, 4(6), 08-12.
- Nankova M., Doneva S., Krustev S., 2020. Soil Organic Fertilization in Long-Term Low-Input Cropping Sysytem and its Effect on the Bread Making Flour Properties Determined by Albumen-Protein Complex. Acta Scientific Agriculture, 4(7), 54-66.
- Daskalova N., Doneva S., Spetsov P., 2016. Chromosome variation and HMW glutenins in synthetic hexaploid wheats (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum/Aegilops tauschii). Cereal Research Communications, v.44 (3), 453-460.
- Doneva S., Yordanova D., Daskalova N., Spetsov P. 2016. Polimorphism of endosperm proteins in amphidiploids with the G-genome of Triticum timopheevii (Zhuk.). Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 69, 75-80.
- Doneva S., Daskalova N., Spetsov P., Penchev E. 2018. Evalution of the effect of the new fraction pair 1Dx1.5+1Dy10 inherited from Glu-Dt locus of Ae.tauschii (DtDt, 2n=14) on some qualitative indices in the progenies of synthetic wheat varieties (AABuBuDtDt, 2n=42). Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 72 (2), 62-68.
- Doneva S., Yordanova D., Alexandrova R., 2019. Study of genetic variability of bread wheat cultivars developed at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute. Field Crop Studies, XII(1), 141-160.
- Doneva S., Stoyanov H., 2019. Polymorphism of storage proteins in hexaploid triticale. Field Crop Studies, XII(2), 201-212.
- Neykov N., Doneva S., 2017. J. BioSci. Biotechnol., SE/ONLINE, 55-57. Identification of reserve endosperm proteins in promising spring barley cultivars by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vanya Ivanova
Research interests:
- Phytopathogenic bacteria in leguminous crops ;
- Obligate and facultative pathohgens in cereals;
- Физиологична специализация на причинителя на листна ръжда по пшеницата triticina. Ефективност и селекционна ценност на гените за устойчивост Physiological specialization of the causative agent of leaf rust in wheat P.triticina. Efficiency and breeding value of the genes for resistance;
- Specificity of the interactions with the pathosystem wheat – triticina;
- Study of the initial breeding material and developing of lines and varieties, which carry resistance to triticina;
- Types of resistance and expressions of immunity.
Doctoral thesis on Study on the resistance of common wheat and other species to the causative agent of brown rust P. triticina Еrikss.’’, 2012.
Balaz J., I. Kiryakov, V. Kiryakova, M. Vasic 1996. Rapid identification of phytopathogenic bacteria originated from vegetable by Biolog system. First Balcanic Symposium of Vegetables and Potatoes – Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 491-495.
Todorova M., V. Kiryakova 2001. Virulence Survey of Puccinia recondite f.sp. tritici in Bulgaria during the period 1996-1999. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 7, 275-278.
- Spetsov, D. Plamenov, V. Kiryakova 2006. Distribution and characterization of Aegilops and Triticum species from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Central European Journal of Biology, 1, (3), 399-411.
TKTonev, G.Milev, V.Kiryakova 2008. InfluenceofSomeAgronomyFactoron Spike Components after a Rare Incidence of Fusarium Head Blight Epiphytoty of Winter Wheat. I.I. Effect of Long-term Crop Rotation, Mineral Fertilization and Sowin Term. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 14, 321-328.
- Plamenov, I. Belchev, V. Kiryakova, P. Specov, 2009. Fungal resistance of Triticum durum – T. monococcum ssp. Aegilopoides amphiploid. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 116 (2), 60-62. 10.1007/BF03356287
- Atanasova, I. Todorov,N.Tsenov, T.Petrova, I. Stoeva, I. Iliev, V. Ivanova 2012. Goritsa-new bread winter wheat variety. Agricultural science, 45(1), 52-56.
Ivanova 2014. Race and Virulence Dynamics of Puccinia triticina and Effectivness of Lr genes in Bulgaria during 2005-2009. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Special issue, 709-720.
Ivanova, S. Doneva, Z. Petrova 2015. Common winter wheat lines with complex resistance to rusts and powdery mildew combined with biochemicalindex. Agricultural Science and Technology, vol.7, №2, 190-198.
Ivanova, P. Chamurliisky 2017. Resistance of common winter wheat cultivars from different geographic origin to P. triticina. 52 nd Croatian and 12 th International Symposium on Agriculture, 12-17 February, Dubrovnik, 2017, Book of Proceedings, 216-221.
Ivanova, G. Mihova, D. Nikolova, S. Velikova 2019. Screening of wheat genotypes for resistance to brown rust (P. triticina). Field crop Studies, XII (2), 2019, 67-82 67.
Ivanova, G. Mihova, B. Ivanova 2019. New Common Winter Wheat Lines with Resistance to Leaf Rust (P. triticina) International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research, 2019, vol.3, Issue 3, 420-428
Chief Assistant Dr. Yordanka Stanoeva
Research interests:
- Diseases on cold resistant grain leguminous crops (pea, lentil and chick pea), barley and triticale;
- Plant resistance to diseases;
- Integrated plant protection.
- Stanoeva Y., Iliev I. 2014. Dynamics of distribution of the cause agent of powdery mildew Blumeria graminis tritici on wheat during 2005-2009. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Special Issue: 2: 1863-1869.
- Stanoeva, Y., 2015. Development of Didymella rabiei on chickpea plant residues. Bulgarian journal of crop science, Vol. 52, 4, p. 59-64
- Stanoeva, Y., 2015. Pathogenic variation of Ascochyta rabiei in North-East Bulgaria. Bulgarian journal of crop science, Vol. 52, 4, p. 65-68
- Stanoeva, Y., Beleva M., 2015. First record of phomopsis sp. on chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Bulgaria. BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS. Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2015” Jahorina, p 850-853.
- Stanoeva Y.,2017. Investigation of the race variability in the populations of Blumeria graminis tritici in Bulgaria during 2013-2015. CONGRESS BOOK 2nd INTERNATIONAL BALKAN AGRICULTURE CONGRESS 16-18 MAY 2017, 44-49.
- Stanoeva, Y., Penchev E., 2017. Effect of the climatic conditions on the distribution of powdery mildew in wheat in the region of north-east Bulgaria. CONGRESS BOOK 2nd INTERNATIONAL BALKAN AGRICULTURE CONGRESS 16-18 MAY 2017, 66-71.
- Stanoeva Y., Ivanova A., Chamurliiski P., Koleva M., 2017. DYNAMICS OF BLUMERIA GRAMINIS TRITICI DISTRIBUTION IN WHEAT IN NORTH-EAST BULGARIA DURING 2013 – 2015. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research Volume:03, Issue:01, 2015-2024. ISSN: 2455-6939.
- Koleva M., Stanoeva Y. , Kiryakov I. , Ivanova A. , Chamurlyiski P. 2018. Evaluation of lentil cultivars and lines for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis. AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2018, VOL. 10, No 1, pp 25 – 28.
- N. Daskalova1, S. Doneva2, Y. Stanoeva2, I. Belchev2 and P. Spetsov, 2019. Progress in Tetraploid Wheat Breeding through the Use of Synthetic Hexaploid Amphiploids. Cereal Research Communications 47(1), pp. 157–169 (2019) DOI: 10.1556/0806.46.2018.063
- Stanoeva Y., H. Stoyanov, 2020. High Yielding Triticale Lines With High Resistance to Powdery Mildew and Stem Rust. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research 2020, Vol. 4 (1), 130-135