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 The intellectual property  products of Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute is all the new research output – new plant varieties, lines, hybrids, utility models, inventions and trade marks.


By 2022, Dobrudzha Agricultural institute maintains 65 certificates of plant varieties (a total of 155 over the years) at the Patent Agency of Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with the Act on the protection of the new plant varieties and animal breeds. In accordance with the legislation, the age of the certificates is 25 years from the date of their issue.

  •  Cereals (45 certificates)
  •   Grain and leguminous crops (10 certificates)
  •   Sunflower (10 certificates)
Variety Name in the certificate (Latin.) Certificate No


Year of registration Date of issue
I. Cereals  
Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
1. Аглика AGLIKA 10568 30.06.2004 2003
2. Енола ENOLA 10595 30.11.2004 2004
3. Карина KARINA 10653 31.08.2005 2004
4. Корона KORONA 10741 31.10.2007 2006
5. Лазарка LAZARKA 10757 30.04.2008 2007
6. Мерилин MERILIN 10758 30.04.2008 2008
7. ГТП Драгана GTP DRAGANA 10920 30.12.2010 2009
8. Божана BOJANA 10951 31.03.2011 2010
9. ГТП Киара GTP KIARA 10952 31.03.2011 2010
10. ГТП Калина GTP KALINA 10953 31.03.2011 2010
11. Косара KOSARA 11034 31.03.2014 2012
12. ГТП Рада GTP RADA 11035 31.03.2014 2012
13. Пчелина PCHELINA 11037 31.03.2014 2012
14. ГТП Катаржина GTP KATARZHINA 11053 27.02.2015 2013
15. ГТП Ками GTP KAMI 11054 27.02.2015 2013
16. Жана ZHANA 11068 31.08.2015 2014
17. Фани/Fani FANI 11069 31.08.2015 2014
18. Сладуна SLADUNA 11077 30.12.2015 2014
19. Кристалина KRISTALINA 11094 31.08.2016 2015
20. Никодим NICODIM 11129 30.11.2017 2016
21. Мореса MORESA 11211 16.03.2021 2018
22. Цвета TSVETA 11236 20.06.2022 2020
23. Шибил SHIBIL 11237 20.06.2022 2020
24. Чудомира CHUDOMIRA 11238 20.06.2022 2020
Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)
1. Северина SEVERINA 10821 31.03.2009 2008
2. Мирела MIRELA 11011 29.03.2013 2011
3. Мирабел MIRABEL 11055 27.02.2015 2013
4. Мелина MELINA 11056 27.02.2015 2013
5. Малена MALENA 11130 30.11.2017 2016
Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittm.)
1. Колорит KOLORIT 10697 31.07.2006 2005
2. Акорд ACORD 10759 30.04.2008 2007
3. Атила ATILA 10760 30.04.2008 2007
4. Респект RESPEKT 10833 30.06.2009 2008
5. Бумеранг BUMERANG 10921 30.12.2010 2009
6. Добруджанец DOBRUDZHANETS 11012 29.03.2013 2012
7. Ловчанец LOVCHANETC 11059 30.04.2015 2013
8. Дони 52 DONI 52 11070 31.08.2015 2014
9. Благовест BLAGOVEST 11095 31.08.2016 2015
10. Борислав BORISLAV 11131 30.11.2017 2016
Barley (Hordeum sativum L.)
1. ГТЕ Ахат GTE AHAT 11038 31.03.2014 2012
2. Тангра TANGRA 11064 31.08.2015 2014
3. Оникс ONIKS 11157 30.10.2018 2017
4. Фанагория FANAGORIYA 11172 18.06.2019 2018
5. Ларимар LARIMAR 11239 20.06.2022 2020
6. Брилянт BRILYANT 11240 20.06.2022 2020
II. Grain and leguminous crops
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
1. Еликсир ELIXIR 10800 30.09.2008 2008
2. ГТБ Устрем GTB USTREM 11065 31.08.2015 2015
3. ГТБ Блян GTB BLYAN 11066 31.08.2015 2015
4. ГТБ Вежен GTB VEZHEN 11067 31.08.2015 2015
5. ГТБ Скития GTB SKITIYA 11144 21.08.2018 2018
6. Пуклив две PUKLIV DVE 11203 08.01.2021 2020
Lentil (Lens culinaris medik)
1. Илина ILINA 10551 31.12.2003 2002
Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
1. Кристал KRISTAL 10615 28.02.2005 2004
2. Мишел MISHEL 10916 30.12.2010 2009
Chick pea (Cicer airetinum L.)
1. Балкан BALKAN 10613 28.02.2005 2004
III. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
1. Фаворит FAVORIT 10687 31.05.2006 2005
1. Сан Лука SAN LUKA 10903 30.12.2010 1996
2. Линзи LINZI 11125 30.11.2017 2016
3. Деведа DEVEDA 11154 30.10.2018 2017
4. ГТС Теди GTS TEDI 11156 30.10.2018 2017
1. 2607 2607 10638 31.05.2005 1987
2. 217А 217А 11008 29.03.2013 2011
3. 3607А 3607А 11092 31.08.2016 2015
4. 99R 99R 11126 30.11.2017 2016
5. N102R N102R 11155 30.10.2018 2017

In 2022, requests were submitted for certification of two lines (N23R, N44R) and two hybrids (DALENA CLP, KRASELA) of sunflower. Five certificates were issued to requests from 2021 about common winter wheat varieties Tsveta, Shibil, Chudomira and barley varieties Brilyant and Larimar.

Another four certificates are expected for the requests submitted in 2021 for winter poly-rowed barley Tsitrin, winter two-rowed barley Heliodor, common winter wheat Fedora and winter hexaploid triticale Avitohol.


 Добруджански земеделски институт е протежател на следните три марки, регистрирани в Патентно ведомство на Пепублика България.: Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute is holder of the following three trademarks registered at the Patent Agency of Republic of Bulgaria:

  • Individual (figurative) trademarklogo, registration mark 51010/25.05.2005;
  • Individual (verbal) trademark „ЯНТЪР/YANTAR, registration No 51047/03.05.2005;
  • Individual (verbal) trademark „АЛБЕНА/ALBENA, registration No 51046/03.05.2005 г.


Mechanized probe for soil samples, registration number 385/02.05.2000

Author: Iliya Ivanov Iliev

 Description: The mechanized probe is applicable to collection of soil samples in displaced condition to depth of 2 m. At Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute samples have been taken down to depth of 4 m. The probe is of simple and convenient construction and can be used even in dry and hard soils without applying too much physical effort. It consists of a driving mechanism, a stem and a cup for the sample. The driving mechanism is a portable engine with inbuilt gearbox attached to a frame, which is easy to manipulate. The assemblies between the output shaft of the gearbox and between the shaft and the cup are easily disassembled with two simple movements. The sample cup is a thin-walled tube, the lower end of which is shaped like a cutting tip, consisting of two lower blades, two side blades and a conical guide. The distance between the cutting edges of the side blades is slightly bigger that the outer diameter of the sample cup.

Механизирана сонда за почвени проби, рег. №385/02.05.2000 г.      Механизирана сонда за почвени проби, рег. №385/02.05.2000 г.

Flail mower for legumes, registration No 2513/02.11.2019

 Authors: Radko Petrov Mihailov, Iliya Ivanov Iliev, Vladimir Georgiev Demirev


Description: The field of technology to which this utility model is referred is mechanization of agriculture, harvesting of leguminous crops by cutting the plants under the soil, in particular. The closest known solution has a high level of vibrations because the mechanisms, that set in motion the knife blades, move in parallel thus creating unbalanced horizontal inertia forces. The device may be mounted on the hanging system at the rear of all tractor models. It contains two symmetrical mechanisms, the movable parts of which are in static and dynamic equilibrium. The two mechanisms operate in anti-phase, eliminating the mower vibrations caused by the inertial forces. The technical essence is to drive the knife blades from one place with two kinematically closed mechanisms located in two planes perpendicular to each other – vertical and horizontal. Each contains two level three-link mechanisms. The connection between these mechanisms is a single unit performing spatial movement in both planes.


 A method for improvement of crop pollination, registration No 64296 В1/15.10.2004

 AuthorsNeno Donchev Nenov, Iliya Ivanov Iliev

 Description:The method is applicable to growing of agricultural crops, especially those with short flowering. It stimulates the activity of the pollinator insects during flowering by spraying the crops with a solution of essential oils. Spraying may be done by a flying vehicle or by ground equipment under conditions of pesticide treatment. The spraying design involves the following factors: type and concentration of the essential oil in the working liquid, spray rate, interval between two sprays, design of treated and not treated stripes in the crop and spraying time during the day.

Метод за подобряване опрашването на посевите, рег. № 64296 В1/15.10.2004 г.


 Technology for production of common bean, General Toshevo, 2016;  ISBN: 978-954-9780-08-6

 Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gencho Milev, Prof. Dr. Sci Dimitar Genchev, Prof. Dr. Ivan Kiryakov, Prof. Dr. Margarita Nankova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Iliya Iliev, Assistant Researcher, Dr. Zornitsa Petrova

Description: This technology is a revised, supplemented and updated edition of previous technologies for growing of common bean issued by Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute – General Toshevo. Using a pragmatic and simple style with little terminology, it presents the main aspects of the economic significance of the crop, its biological requirements, description of varieties and major elements of the overall agronomy practices in this crop. The present technology for production of common bean may be used by a wide range of farmers – from petty agricultural producers to larger leaseholders well equipped with modern machines.