Dry bean ELIKSIR
- Suitable for two-stage harvesting
- Vegetative growth duration 84±4 days
- The plant is lodging, 100-160 cm high depending on the conditions
- The pods are located on the lower third of the plant
- The seeds are white, with medium glossiness and veining, kidney-shaped. 1000 seed weight is е 410±40 g. The cooking time is 138±15 min.
- Resistant to halo blight and moderately resistant to bacterial blight.
- Productivity potential – 220±40 kg/da
Recommendable sowing norm 16-30 germinating seeds/m2
inter-row spacing 30 to 70 cm
sowing depth 4-6 cm
Dry bean GTB BLYAN
- Suitable for one-stage harvesting
- Vegetative growth duration: 88±4 days
- The plant is erect, 40-50 cm high depending on the conditions
- The pods are located on the upper 4/5 of the plant
- The seeds are white, with weak glossiness and veining, kidney-shaped. 1000 seed weight is е 330±20 g. The cooking time is 125±12 min
- Resistant to halo blight.
- Productivity potential – 170±30 kg/da
The sowing norm should ensure 25 harvestable plants/m2
inter-row spacing 30 cm
sowing depth 4-5 cm.
- Suitable for one-stage harvesting
- Vegetative growth duration: 82±4 days
- The plant is erect, 40-60 cm high depending on the conditions
- The pods are located on the upper 4/5 of the plant
- The seeds are white, with weak glossiness and veining, kidney-shaped with elliptical cross-section. 1000 seed weight is е 345±20 g. The cooking time is 150±12 min.
- Resistant to halo blight and some rust races.
- Productivity potential – 160±30 kg/da
The sowing norm should ensure 25-30 harvestable plants/m2
inter-row spacing 30 cm
sowing depth 4-5 cm.
- Suitable for one-stage harvesting
- Vegetative growth duration: 84±4 days
- The plant is erect, 50-60 cm high depending on the conditions
- The pods are located on the upper 4/5 of the plant
- The seeds are white, with weak expression of veining and medium glossiness, kidney-shaped with elliptical cross-section. 1000 seed weight is е 411±18 g. The cooking time is 125±12 min
- Resistant to halo and bacterial blight
- Productivity potential – 173±22 kg/da
The sowing norm should ensure 25-30 harvestable plants/m2
inter-row spacing 30 cm
sowing depth 4-5 cm.
Winter-spring fodder pea MISHEL
- The plant is with good branching and foliage
- Plant height: 59±5 cm
- Vegetative growth duration: 94±10 days
- Medium early cultivar
- Slight tendency to lodging
- Suitable for mechanized harvesting
- Suitable for planting both in spring and in winter
- 1000 seed weight: 240±20 g
- Recommendable sowing norm: 2800 – 300 kg/ha
Winter-spring fodder pea KRISTAL
Healthy food for happy animals
- The plant is with abundant branching and foliage, height 67±20 cm
- Height of the lowest pods: 49.5±9 cm
- Vegetative growth duration: 110±18 days
- Slight tendency to lodging
- Suitable for mechanized harvesting
- Suitable for sowing both in winter and in spring
- 1000 seed weight: 282±20 g
- Recommendable sowing norm: 330 – 350 kg/ha
- Productivity potential: 4-5 t/ha
- Particularly suitable for organic production
Winter-spring fodder pea DOBROTITSA
Afila type resistant to lodging
- Erect stem of medium height
- Earliness: medium early cultivar
- Vegetative growth duration: 100±6 days
- Afila type cultivar – the leaves are modified into tendrils
- Resistant to lodging
- Suitable for mechanized harvesting
- Suitable for sowing both in spring and winter
- 1000 seed weight: 295 g
- Productivity potential: 3-3.5 t/ha
- Recommendable sowing norm: 250 – 280 kg/ha
Lentil ILINA
Delicious, nourishing and healthy 
- Plant height: 48±10 cm
- Stem: high, branching, with slight tendency to lodging
- Seeds: large, disk-shaped and flat, light green
- Earliness: medium early cultivar
- Suitable for direct harvesting
- Protein content: 26.6 %
- Rich in antioxidants
- 1000 seed weight: 60-65 g
- Recommendable sowing norm: 200 – 210 kg/ha
- Productivity potential: 2-2.4 t/ha
- Cooking time: 60 min